Thursday, March 24, 2016

Relief post 1 and 2

Relief Post

I will be making an elephant head out of paper mache and painting it with blues and purples. First I will start with a cardboard cut out of the head and ears. Then use wire to make the trunk.

The cardboard piece helped me to show layers
 on my main relief piece. The tile piece helped
 me decided the theme of my art pieces. I then sketched
out the elephant and at first I wanted to layer the 
cardboard like the chameleon. It was to much to do
having so many layers in an elephant face that I
changed the piece to paper mache. 
If I were to do the project over again I would add more layers of paper mache because it was too wrinkly. I would have added more paint so that it looked more realistic. While I was working on the piece I ran into a problem, the trunk was very hard to sculpt. I then used wire to make the trunk and wrapped it in news paper, taped it down and put paper mache on it. Overall I think the piece was a success.  
Final Product

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